Real work from home vacancies, freelance job and home business opportunities

Welcome to the site, where telework (or remote work, or freelance job), work at home, home business opportunities and Internet jobs are presented.

During its existence the site became a full-scale portal. Now you have a possibility to gain autonomy given by working at home and home business. It is so convenient to work being at home.

Advantages over other freelance sites

Unlike many other remote work sites and Internet portals here are posted only remote work or work at home projects, so you don't need to look through hundreds of office work offers. Considering the specificity of remote work and work at home, there are no limitations and rules of other large portals, like obligatory entering of city information (for work through the Internet it does not matter), obligatory entering of the address and phone information (some employers actually work at home and prefer to contact only by e-mail, Skype and ICQ). All projects are getting through strict moderation. Doubtful project will not be posted.

Recommend our site on other sites, forums, bulletin boards, blogs and articles, share your telework experience and ideas with others, post your telework, work at home vacancies.

How to make job search on the Internet effective and find work at home

Job search on the Internet can be active or passive. The most widespread form of active search is viewing of available vacancies on sites in the Internet and bidding on the interesting projects. For this purpose it is necessary to routinely look through interesting sections of vacancies both on popular sites, and on less popular, doing it several times per day to increase chances to find a job. Using of RSS subscription is quite effective on sites where it is available. It makes possible to receive information about new vacancies very operatively, with less time consumption. E-mail subscription is less effective because information about new vacancies is sent only once a day. By the time you read it, vacancy could be already closed or removed. Other form of active job search is sending of resumes to organizations. It is a proper way for the highly skilled professionals being in demand in the labor market.

By passive search employees usually post resume on several Internet sites and wait, until the employer responds it. Generally this way is ineffective, because a lot of mistakes are made, therefore we recommend to attentively read the article "How to properly write a resume for posting on the Internet" and follow the given recommendations.

What about small business on the Internet?

Some of the teleworkers, getting new skills and knowledge, go over the next stage - independent earnings on the Internet, Internet business, small home business or even offline business. The second part of the site is dedicated to it. Those who went over this level become employers and use the first part of the site for search of employees, posting new projects of telework. The global network Internet offers huge opportunities for fair business, good earnings and search of employees of any level.